Ireland's No.1 for Marketing Freelancers
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Save on your Health, Home & Car Insurance with these exclusive Indie List offers!

We all need insurance because we want to make sure we’re covered for that calamitous event – from the car crash to a flooded kitchen, burst pipe or fire. But some insurance companies offer more.So to help members of The Indie List ease the annual cost of car and home insurance, we have agreed a special preferential discount with one of Ireland’s leading insurers, .They also have KeyCare on their Comprehensive Car Insurance – that’s cover for your keys should they be lost or stolen. If this happens, and your keys aren’t found, they’ll come out and cut you a new key and change all the locks on your bunch of keys once you have the ‘’ keyfob on your key ring, up to a value of €1,500.The home Insurance covers you for the cost of renting another property should your house become uninhabitable after a claim, up to 10% of building costs. And they automatically up your cover by 10% for Christmas and for your wedding. Just let them know when you’re getting married!Every self-employed professional should have private health insurance. To help Indie Listers we’ve agreed a nice incentive with one of Ireland’s leading providers, Laya Healthcare. Full details are shown below.

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Car Insurance made simple have made things a bit easier for you when understanding the best Car Insurance deal. With them, you get a simple at-a-glance overview of what you get when you choose a Comprehensive Plan or a Basic (Third Party, Fire & Theft) plan.

Check out the various plans here and then contact Una Herlihy and we’ll get you that nice Indie List bonus discount.

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Home Insurance made simple

Memories. Momentos. The music you love. Your photos. The devices that important for your work and the family. These are the things that make a house a home. It’s all important. Super important. know that. So… it makes sense to protect it. And should the worst happen, they include Home Rescue as standard for owner-occupiers so you get help for a home emergency when you need it.

There is also up to 30% no claims bonus discount available for 3 years or more claims-free.

Check out the details here and then contact Una Herlihy and we’ll get you that nice Indie List bonus discount.

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Do I really need Health Insurance?

Having the right health insurance policy provides freelancers with financial protection against unexpected medical expenses, which can be substantial and potentially devastating for self-employed people without coverage. It ensures that you have access to necessary healthcare services, including preventive care, routine check-ups, and treatment for illnesses or injuries.

Health insurance also helps freelancers maintain their overall well-being, enabling them to continue working and earning income without the burden of mounting medical bills. It is a crucial aspect of managing the risks and uncertainties of being self-employed, providing peace of mind and safeguarding against potential financial hardships due to health-related issues.

For all of these reasons we have partnered with one of the leaders in Irish health insurance, Laya Healthcare, to provide a cost-effective option for Indie Listers.

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Why Choose Laya Healthcare?

Some of the benefits of being a Laya Healthcare member include:

Laya Health and Wellbeing Clinics– Walk-in, Consultant-led urgent care for anyone aged 12months+. Be seen within 1 hour of arrival, 365 days a year.

Laya Healthcare Concierge– any healthcare question answered, for members aged 18+. Your team of friendly clinical experts who specialise in healthcare in Ireland.

CareOnCall– 24/7 phone access to Nurses, online prescription service, home testing kits, video calls with GPs seven days a week – available to members aged 17+.

Healthcoach– members aged 18+ get a health check and a personalised fitness, nutrition and wellbeing programme from your dedicated Healthcoach.

24/7 Mental Wellbeing Support– a confidential service, available to members aged 16+ – speak about things like your mental health, financial and legal issues, and work-related stress or anxiety.

HeartBeat Cardiac Screening– every laya healthcare member over the age of 12 is entitled to a heart screening once every 2 years. Note that screenings are currently postponed due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Check out the various Laya plans here and then contact us and we’ll get you that nice Indie List bonus discount.